Thursday, May 13, 2010

session 6

Effective Instructional Methods for E-Learning

Take the either of the Learning styles quizzes (Multiple Intelligence Quiz or Seeing, Hearing, and Doing Quiz) or both. Based on the quiz results, describe your own learning styles. In order to help yourself better function in an online course (e.g. this course), what would you keep or change in terms of the course design and your participation style/pattern?

First what are the learning styles?

Everybody has a preferred learning style. Knowing and understanding our learning style helps us to learn more effectively. This is particularly true for LD/AD(H)D people because of their different ways of learning. Through identifying your learning style, you will be able to capitalize on your strengths and improve your self-advocacy skills. (link)

There are many types of the learning styles such as the Visual Learners, Auditory Learners and Tactile Learners.

I just did the Quiz and the result was :
Learning Style:
Visual learning style : 100%
Doing learning style : 88%
Hearing learning style : 56%
Visual learning style
You need to see information in a visual format and learn best from written information, diagrams, and pictures.

Before I take the quiz I was know that I would be the Visual learner. I learn through seeing more than any thing else. In the classes I need to see the instructor when he\she talk it is important to me his voice and his body language. I learn a lot through visual displays like the pictures, textbooks, and video. I like to take detailed notes to write all the information that I learned it from the lecture. I found this sentence in our textbook a good example for how is a visual learner. When the instructor provides more visual cues, the visual learner may perform better in a distance education class. (Text, p. 169)

To help myself function better in this online course especially the English is my second language I would:

  1. Using visuals to learning, including pictures, graphics, charts, outlines, story maps, and diagrams
  2. Organize the information, write down key words or draw some images.
  3. Use colors to highlight key information.
  4. I should be motivated and keep a positive feeling. Tell my self I can learn and remember the new things that I learned it.

What student characteristics/attributes (e.g. attitude factors, distance experiences, prior knowledge, learning styles) of the distant learners do you think you may encounter? Discuss why these characteristics are important. Discuss what you need to do address them?

The student characteristics are very important because of that I do the survey before I start my online class. I should know they like to learn? What type of learner style there are? How mach they deal with the technologies tool? I want my student be successes in my online course. Also I want them dependent on them self because I believe that when the students believe on them skills and always depend on them self they will be success in their classes. Student at a distance seem to assume more responsibility for their own learning earlier in the process than do those students who are enrolled in traditional classes. (text, p. 168)

* How would you establish classroom management rules (e.g. Environmental design, Rules & routines, Discipline, Keeping the students on track, and Developing Rapport) to help students achieve learning objectives while facilitating a learner-centered approach?

* List one specific learning objective you want to include in your online course and describe how you would design your class activities using one or multiple instructional strategies (e.g. problem centered learning, simulation, decision-making panels, class discussion, case studies, group discussion, tutorial, written exercises, reading, instructional gaming, exploration) to help your students meet the learning objective?

It’s not easy when you want to establish a classroom management you should focus on the students need and try to improve their skills and make them successes in the end of the course. Also when I establish the online course I should focus on the advantage of the online class:
• Students can play the lectures at anytime at any place.
• Students can send and receive e-mail between each other and the instructors.
• Students can share their information all over the world.
After I did the survey I will find the problem. I will try to solve the problem. I will put the expected Time of the course. I will post the course goal. I will Develop students’ skills and make them able to success in the end of this course. I will give the students homework every week to make sure they understand the course activity.
In the communication method:
* I will use my website to post the syllabus.
* I will use my email to contact with students.
* I will ask each student to view other student blogs and make comment in three classmates each week.
I will put some rules for example: Each student must post their assignment every week and also they should make comment in three classmates each week.
I will focus on motivate and engage students in an online class (us the instructors):
• Instructor should use a good ways to communicate with students he should communicate fast with his student, he should check his email and give a clear evaluate and send the email back to his student.
• Instructor should give a clear topic to students to make his expectations
• Instructor should use timely feedback that makes the student engage and motivate.
• Instructor should use a smaller assignments that focuses on the subject, this kind of assignment make student engage and motivate, also learn the subject.

The good instructional design can ensure that the course meets student needs in many ways:
* The good instructor always needs his student’s feedback about the learning experience in courses. When the feedback is negative the instructors should be flexible and fax any raising problems wail keeping the project on track
* The good instructor always want make sure his students understand his lecture by give them question in blackboard or by email.
* The good instructor try to make every student active in his blogs by ask him to add every post weekly, and also make comment in other student blogs.


  1. I enjoyed your blog. You seem to have a very good understanding of what to put in your course design to make the learning available to all students around the world. I think we are all very lucky to have such good models in our on line classes with Dr. Baek and Dr. Newberry. I know I read in Bob’s blog that he had some real concerns with another on line class he took. I also had that experience with an online class I took many years ago. The teacher of the class did not have a clear syllabus. She did not give us feedback. She allowed negative criticism and did not allow us a way to communicate with her. The fact that you have demonstrated that you will cover all of these areas that can be problems for students shows your understanding of what is needed for a quality on line class.

  2. Eman, great blog, thank you for sharing. You raise some very good points. I think a quick response time to communications with students is essential as it shows them that you are "there". I also agree with Kathy that CSUSB has done an exceptional job at modeling online courses.
    Feedback is also critical. I believe I read a caution to feedback this said that the instructor should reply once every four posts or so. I think that might vary depending upon the ebb and flow of conversation.


  3. Hello Eman,
    You bring up great points in regard to the importance of understanding learning styles, especially for students with learning disabilities. I like how you said it is important to understand one's learning style so as to "capitalize on your strengths to improve self-advocacy". As a special education teacher I couldn't agree more.
    You also bring up great ideas such as using different colors to highlight and separate different points, this is something I think could be very valuable to use for all different learners.
    I agree with you, and with Kenny, that feedback is critical to the success, and management of the course, and of course the response time is critical because it is important for students to feel like they matter and are being heard, oh and also that their concerns will be addressed and solutions can follow. Furthermore, I also agree with Kenny and Kathy in saying that CSUSB had done a fine job with its online courses. So far 3/4 of my Master's degree program was completed via online courses, and I feel I have received a very well rounded, useful education.
    Finally, I appreciate the detail you have included regarding what it is like to learn online as someone who is not a native English speaker. All of my students are English Language Learners, and I am finding much success with using the internet to help them improve their language skills. Not to mention how they are opened up to the entire world's knowledge thanks to the web. You brought this up as a positive tool and I agree.
    I am curious if there are any good sites you could recommend to help with learning English writing skill building. Have you found any you could share? I ask because you are a very fluent writer, and my students are studying how to build their writing abilities in English and I am wondering if there is any thing in particular you have practiced with.
    Thanks for sharing any insight, I appreciate it.
    Have a Good Day

  4. thank you eman for charring your great idea about creating good out line course .i like the way that you make sure to get you student feedback that i think will make you the one of the good teacher in online class. i really like the link that you give us is show how much you care about your design. I really glade that you really care what your student want to study. do you think your student communication style will be active?

    thank you


  5. Kathy,
    thank you so much <3
    and there are many problem that may the students face it in online course:
    * A complected syllabus.
    * teachers being late in their feedback.
    * difficulty to communication between the student and the teacher.
    and there are more..

    I think the most important things that should be the focus of the teacher is the methods of communication between him and the students in different ways like email, blogs, website.

    thank you

  6. Celeste ...

    Your comment make me feel Happy!
    thank you so much...

    In my opinion a successful teacher always pays attention to the feedback that he receives from his students and use it to improve hem self, materials and methods of communication.

    and I agree with you that "its important for students to feel like they matter and are being heard".

    about the english website:
    I don't use English writing website. (sorry :( )

    When I came to USA I stared learning English in CEL. it to me took one and half year to do this part after that I started my master degree in Instructional technology.

    I always go to writing center and l learned a lot from my mistake.

    thank you

  7. thank you amal

    In my online course I focus to make all the students active. I try to do what I learned from Dr. Beak and New berry classes they really make as active. I always try to make every student active in his blogs by ask him to add every post weekly, and also make comment in other student blogs. This way make them check and read other students blog and make comments every week I think they will be more active and learning from each other.
