Thursday, May 27, 2010

session 8

This week's assignment asked us to develop "2-3 assessment activities/measures for the course hypothetically developed in Session 5". Of course these activities should incorporate points and concepts from the reading (chapter 10) and articles (Authentic Assessment Toolbox) (Continuous Assessment: Guaranteed Learning?). Particular attention should be taken to page 285 of the text, which is a table "Selecting appropriate assessment measures".
Also, we are supposed to incorporate assessment strategies of learning that we have experienced/used as a teacher and/or student that we find to be an effective method.

The assessment measures help the learning to success by giving the instructor accurate feedbacks about the students, after that the instructor can know what the problem and try to solve the problem. Also the book gives us a many different good point about the assessment activities. Also to achieve the learning goal the assessment most effectively major the learning process to guide it to the learning goal. (Text, pg. 266&267).
I will focus on the feedback because its impotent for me to make sure the students learend and reach the course goal (the most influential purpose for assessing learning gains is to provide feedback to learners and instructors" (text p. 265).

Before I assessment the course (as instructor) I should know the following:


* What is Assessment?

Assessment is an ongoing process of setting high expectations for student learning, measuring progress toward established learning outcomes, and providing a basis for reflection, discussion and feedback to improve University academic programs. It is a systematic and cyclic process that makes expectations and standards explicit and public. (link)

answer these questions:
1. What I want the students to know
and learn?
2. What are my students learning?
3. What can I do to help students learn what
you believe they need to know?


Follow these steps:
1. Identify what students must
learn in my class
2. Develop tools to measure student learning
3. Create a systems to compile and analyze the
data that I collect with these tools.
4. Use all the information that I collected to improve/adapt
curricula, pedagogy, and goals.

Stassen and Doherty and Poe (2001) broken down the assessment process into three parts:
1. establishing student learning goals and objectives for the course.
2. measuring whether these goals have been met.
3. using the results to improve teaching and learning in the course.

Stassen, M.L.A., Doherty, K., & Poe, M.. (2001). Course-Based Review and Assessment: Methods for Understanding Student Learning. Retrieved April 14, 2009, from University of Massachusetts Web site:


(My syllabus)

King Saud University
College of Education
Department of educational technology
EDUC101 Blog Design

Instructor: Eman Aldhafiri
Office: RM 222
Office Hours: (Monday and Wednesdays 12:00-3:00PM).
Office Telephone: (858) 610-2222

Year/Quarter: 2010 Fall Quarter

Blog: is a place that you should post your assignments. It can be found at:

The College of Education:
Department of educational technology:
“The department of Instructional Media and Technology supports the design, development, utilization, management, and evaluation of instructional technology effectively and efficiently at all levels of theory, practice and ethics by hiring qualified faculty members, staff, and talented students to create enrich learning/instruction/training environment. Moreover, the department promotes its faculty members, staff, and students' professional development to keep up with the advances in the field of instructional technology theory, research and practices and to contribute actively in development of the field locally and globally.” (Link)
Course Overview and/or Rationale
EDUC 101 is one of the elective courses in the Department of educational technology Program. This course helps students to develop their skills and know how to create their own blogs.

Course Goal:
Develop students’ skills and make them able to create their own blogs.

Date Topics Project Due
Week 1:
9/29 • Orientation to the Program
• Overview of the Course
• Recommended some blogs Due in 5th

Week 2:
10/6 * Create a blog
• Post their assignment
• Comments on other students blogs. Due in 12th

Course Requirements
1- each student needs to create his/her own blogs.
2- each student needs to post his/her assignment before the due date.
3- each student needs to post comments to his/her classmates.

Assignments Points
Create a blog 10
First post 10
Students comments 10
Total 30

Course Evaluation Plan:
There are three homework’s each work worth 10 points.

A 30
B 25
C 15
F 10

Course Policies
Students should turn over their assignments before the due date.
Students should do their own assignments.
Students should communicate with each other every week.

Commitment to Diversity
To provide distinctive education, produce creative research, serve society and contribute in building the knowledge economy and community through learning, creative thinking environment, the optimal use of technology and effective international partnership (link)

Web information Links:
• Word press:
• Type pad:
• Blogger:
• How to Set Up a Blog Using Blogger:
• How to Start Blogging with Blogger
• Uploading a Video with Blogger


Course Content Characteristics:
My online class plan:
Is this course I will focus to make every student feel convertible by using new technology, which is create a bloge.
This course will be design by me; I will use my knowledge in online learning. I will create my own power point.
The students in this class are college freshmen they don’t have online learning experience specially with blogs.
The expected students will be in the course between 9 to 12 students.
The problem:
Some of the students don’t know how to deal with blogs.
The expected Time of the course:
This course will be 2 weeks long.
Course Goal:
Develop students’ skills and make them able to create their own blogs.
Communication method:
* I will use my website and email to contact with students.
* I will ask student to view my own power point download skype program to communicate with each other so that they can do their project with each other.

General plan:
In the first and second class I will ask them to create their own blogs to post their assignment in it. They can find the steps in my power point that i create it for this class, and some recommend blogs in the teacher website “my website”.
Each student must post their assignment every week and also they should but same thing he/she like to share with another students, that not related to the subject “that make student be more active in their blogs “

Sisson one:
What is the Blog?

“A blog (a contraction of the term "web log")[1] is a type of website, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order.” LINK

How To Use Blog?
I will use my website to post the class information for example:
* Some recommended links to blogs, for example: (Wordpress) (Typepad) (Blogger)
* my own power point that I created to show the student step by step how can they create their own blog.
* Video explaining to the students how they can create a blog. "Video 1" & "Video 2" & "Video3"
* The Assignment deadlines.

Sisson two:
Design my blog:
You will select a template that will conduct your information.
You will write some of information about you, For example: your name, your interesting, and your photo.
You will but how we can contact you, for example: your email.

My post:
You need to post your assignment before the due date.

My Comments:
You need to post comments to your classmates.
“Students need to read each other’s posts and comment on them.”

My special post:
You need to post some thing you like to share it with your classmates. “That not related to the subject”, this idea make student be more active in their blogs because blogs should not be a solo activity.


  1. Hell Eman,

    Wow! You have develop quite a well planned, organized, detailed, and informative course. It is very relevant and meaningful content and context.

    I like how you offer PowerPoint tutorials for the students who may not be as technologically savvy, or familiar with creating blogs.

    I also like your assessment and activities and measures, as this vital information comes early in the course so as to allow the instructor and students key insight into the level of prior knowledge, motivation, and interest level, allowing plenty of time for the class to synthesize and practice these new skills for blogging effectively and efficiently.

    Thanks for sharing and I also liked your Session 7 handout.


  2. hi celeste :)

    thank you so much you always make me feel happy when I read your comments :) also I learned a lot from you comments too.

