Thursday, April 29, 2010

session 4

Web 2.0

Web 2.0 a great tools that can improve the learning by sharing our information and opinions with each other. I found a good and simple definition for the Web 2.0 and I like to shear it with you.

(The term "Web 2.0" describes the changing trends in the use of World Wide Web technology and web designs that aim to enhance creativity, communication, secure information sharing, collaboration and web functionality. Web 2.0 concepts have led to the development and evolution of web culture communities and hosted services, such as social-networking sites, video sharing sites, wikis, blogs, and folksonomies.) (Link)

You can do a lot of things with Web 2.0. :
You can make many relationships with different people from all over the world by using (face book) or (my spice).
You can read some thing you like or knowing a different opinion by using (blog) or (websait).
You can see or share a video by using (youtube).
You can attending a meeting class by using (talkshoe)

The ways that I am and my friends use web 2.0 :
This tool can make every one in the same city, all my family and friends are in Saudi Arabia but I communicate with them every day by using Face Book or skype. My mom didn’t know how to use many programs in computers like skype and face book since I wan in Saudi Arabia but now she learned a lot of things because of my, she want to call me and my daughter and see us by web cam through skype program. Also my friends always ask me for the best programs that can we chatting, talking, and seeing each other. Also every day.. actually every meal my daughter and I watching Mickey Mouse videos or listening to music on YouTube, she do not eat her meals if I did not play the video. Know she can play the youtub lists by her self she is 2 years old. (The technology kids)

By using blog we can share our information and opinion with each other. To be onus some time I understand the homework that I should do it from my friend’s blog through their posts.
Also I can communication with my doctors and other classmate by using email.
(talkshoe) and (dimdim) is a great tools that I deal with it in a different class meeting since I started my master in instructional technology.

Web 2.0 and education:
This web tools is improve the education and make the learners become active and the instructors become a experienced and creative because the following:
  • It is easy to use.
  • You can use it any time and anywhere.
  • Save time and money.
  • Take many different information and opinion from over the world.
  • You can save what you done and update it any time you want.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

session 3

Clark vs. Kozma

Kozma think that media do influence learning and, therefore, media selection is significant. Today you can see how the technology supports the learning with media. Media Services gives a lot of things to the classroom and support the services to the faculty. For example: media stations, document cameras, pod casting, distance learning, videoconferencing and projectors. Media and technology are tools in learning and teaching.

Kozma does not contend that media alone can influence learning: rather that media’s ability to influence lrarning is dependent upon the instructional methods employed by the desing and how those methods exploit the capabilities or attributes of the medium (Hastings N. & Tracey M.)

Also some time media focus in learner-centered. The goal of some distance education programs is to make education more students centered through the prepackaging of instructional materials that students may use when convenient (Simonson, Smaldino, Albright, and Zvacek, 2009, (p. 80).)

Now we can define Media is the term that use to discussion of the new technologies active program and it is include the appearance of digital, programmed, or networked information and communication technologies.

Also the new media: online and digital ways of receiving information (link). New media can include: Blog, mobile devices, Podcast, Wiki, Facebook, Youtube/Teachertube.

I like to shear my experiences of using a new media that I really enjoyed to use it. It was about the handheld devices in education, I learned a lot of new things about the uses of the mobile devices in ETEC 676 last summer. There are different types of mobile devices such as, cell phone, net books, handheld computers, and more. Teachers and students use handheld devices as tools in schools. This makes learning easier for example; teachers can communicate with students anytime and anywhere by using texting, emailing, and chatting. Moreover, I can use my iphone to do a lot of things too. For example: Talking & Text-messaging with my family and my friends over seas. Checking my email and my blog.

In the end there are point of media and technology that the media improve learning on the other hand there are the opposite, that think the media do not influence learning under any situation.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

session 2

Summary of the DimDim discussion:
I like how Dr. Baek described the E- learning and distance education. Also she explain how can the distance education has a different definitions that considers on the time and place.

Definition of e-Learning:
E learning is delivering the course from the instructor to the learner by distanced. Instructor can use media in the form of text, video, and audio.

The reason for different definitions of distance education:
Distance can mean geographical distance, time distance, and possibly even intellectual distance. Distance education has been applied to a tremendous variety of programs serving numerous audiences via a wide variety of media" (Simonson, Smaldino, Albright, Zvacek, 2009, p. 9).
The reason for different definitions of distance education is depends on the time and place that combination in four result in education:
• Same time, same place education.
• Different time, same place education.
• Same time, different place education.
• Different time, different place education.

Experience of using DimDim:

The first meeting was very interesting because I am not familiar with DimDim program . This is my first time using DimDim ,I'm very happy with it, because the following:
* It’s a free version.
* It’s very easy to use.
* We don’t need to sign up or download any program to join a meeting.
* It has a screen sharing.
* It has a web cam video, audio and text chat
* It has a whiteboard tools. (This is the most thing that I like it about DimDim)
* We can record the meeting.

Compare DimDim with Skype and Talkshoe:

I like to use the Talk shoe than Skype because I think that the skype is harder to use than talk shoe and we can face difficulties when we have more than four people on Skype. Now I think DimDim is the best specially, it has the whiteboard tools.

The strengths of Talk shoe:

First, You can record 5 Hour limit for the meeting. Second, You can schedule future shows for any time or day. Third, Free Sign up for members and hosts.

I didn't deal with this kind of program because I never had a job in the past, but I planning to use this technology in future when I be come a teacher.

Friday, April 9, 2010

ETEC: 501

Hello everyone :)

My name is Eman Aldhafiri, I am from Saudi Arabia. I did not have a job in the past, because after I graduated with my Bachelor in Saudi Arabia I came to USA to get my master in instructional technology, which I am very interested in this field.
My goal in this class to learning new skills and learn how to be able to teach an online class in my country.

I took 5 online classes so far, and I like it more than face-to-face classes.
I learned a lot of new skills, For example: In ETEC 500: I learned how to create website, Photoshop pictures, and more.
In the first ETEC 676: I learned how to create a blog in the first and how to use mobile devices in education and Advantages and Disadvantages of using mobile devices as a tool in education.
I n the second ETEC 676: I learned how to planning for my online class and test the tools that I have it in my inline classes, It was not easy at first to create an online class because develop online learning content is new things I never deal with this kind of technology before but now I can do it and I feel comfortable with it.
In ETEC 543: this class was the harder one. I learned how to do research plan and use interview, Statistics, and Tables. I never deal with this kind of research before this class.
In online classes the communication depend on E-mail, video and sharing learning between teachers and student. “I like this way”.

Online classes are make learning more interesting. This technology gives a chance to all people in the world to take their education certificate. I like to be a good teacher that uses technology in her class to make her student active in her class.