Friday, April 9, 2010

ETEC: 501

Hello everyone :)

My name is Eman Aldhafiri, I am from Saudi Arabia. I did not have a job in the past, because after I graduated with my Bachelor in Saudi Arabia I came to USA to get my master in instructional technology, which I am very interested in this field.
My goal in this class to learning new skills and learn how to be able to teach an online class in my country.

I took 5 online classes so far, and I like it more than face-to-face classes.
I learned a lot of new skills, For example: In ETEC 500: I learned how to create website, Photoshop pictures, and more.
In the first ETEC 676: I learned how to create a blog in the first and how to use mobile devices in education and Advantages and Disadvantages of using mobile devices as a tool in education.
I n the second ETEC 676: I learned how to planning for my online class and test the tools that I have it in my inline classes, It was not easy at first to create an online class because develop online learning content is new things I never deal with this kind of technology before but now I can do it and I feel comfortable with it.
In ETEC 543: this class was the harder one. I learned how to do research plan and use interview, Statistics, and Tables. I never deal with this kind of research before this class.
In online classes the communication depend on E-mail, video and sharing learning between teachers and student. “I like this way”.

Online classes are make learning more interesting. This technology gives a chance to all people in the world to take their education certificate. I like to be a good teacher that uses technology in her class to make her student active in her class.


  1. I agree that online technology gives everyone in the world a chance to get a good education. I am so impressed with students who come from other countries to get their Masters here. What a tremendous challenge for you. I also agree that Etec 543 is a challenge. Good luck to you in reaching your goals. They sound like very admirable ones. Kathy

  2. Wman, I agree with kathy. What an ambitious undertaking. I enjoy learning about other cultures. I hope you will share yours with us this quarter.

  3. Welcome to ETEC501, Eman!
    I believer our ETEC Master degree and e-Learning certificate will help you become a good online learning developers and instructor. Keep up the good work! Baek

  4. Hi Eman,

    Have you posted your Wk2 message? I have kept checking on your blog but have not seen it yet. Did I miss it? Your timely posting and participation in the discussion would be much appreciated.

