Thursday, April 29, 2010

session 4

Web 2.0

Web 2.0 a great tools that can improve the learning by sharing our information and opinions with each other. I found a good and simple definition for the Web 2.0 and I like to shear it with you.

(The term "Web 2.0" describes the changing trends in the use of World Wide Web technology and web designs that aim to enhance creativity, communication, secure information sharing, collaboration and web functionality. Web 2.0 concepts have led to the development and evolution of web culture communities and hosted services, such as social-networking sites, video sharing sites, wikis, blogs, and folksonomies.) (Link)

You can do a lot of things with Web 2.0. :
You can make many relationships with different people from all over the world by using (face book) or (my spice).
You can read some thing you like or knowing a different opinion by using (blog) or (websait).
You can see or share a video by using (youtube).
You can attending a meeting class by using (talkshoe)

The ways that I am and my friends use web 2.0 :
This tool can make every one in the same city, all my family and friends are in Saudi Arabia but I communicate with them every day by using Face Book or skype. My mom didn’t know how to use many programs in computers like skype and face book since I wan in Saudi Arabia but now she learned a lot of things because of my, she want to call me and my daughter and see us by web cam through skype program. Also my friends always ask me for the best programs that can we chatting, talking, and seeing each other. Also every day.. actually every meal my daughter and I watching Mickey Mouse videos or listening to music on YouTube, she do not eat her meals if I did not play the video. Know she can play the youtub lists by her self she is 2 years old. (The technology kids)

By using blog we can share our information and opinion with each other. To be onus some time I understand the homework that I should do it from my friend’s blog through their posts.
Also I can communication with my doctors and other classmate by using email.
(talkshoe) and (dimdim) is a great tools that I deal with it in a different class meeting since I started my master in instructional technology.

Web 2.0 and education:
This web tools is improve the education and make the learners become active and the instructors become a experienced and creative because the following:
  • It is easy to use.
  • You can use it any time and anywhere.
  • Save time and money.
  • Take many different information and opinion from over the world.
  • You can save what you done and update it any time you want.


  1. I also learned to love SKYPE because I could talk to my Grandchildren. It was especially fun watching them open their Christmas presents. It is really fun to be able to see them more because of the webcam. Your daughter sounds very smart by watching a video with her meal. You should try a program called with her. It is a fabulous program for young children. She will need some help in the beginning, but will soon take over.

  2. Eman

    Thank you for the working definition for Web 2.0. This is a case where I've been using something and didn't know there was a specific name for it.

    And you are right the tools of Web 2.0 makes the world smaller, and you can see and talk to your family that is so far away! I think that for this reason alone the tools of Web 2.0 are a blessing to the global community.

    Good work!


  3. I like the definition that you posted on Web 2.0 as it gives it a well rounded wrapper to view it by.

    It is always amazing how the youngest children (your daughter) figure out how to use technology, while as we age it can be intimidating. Neat that you shared your dinner time ritual of Mickey Mouse.

    I just became a user of Skype last year in Dr. Baek's class. Initially, I could not believe there was no cost involved for its basic use. I was very skeptical, but, now find it to be a really helpful tool even if it is just to call someone while you are online and don't have a cell phone handy.

    Web 2.0 does have the advantage of allowing users a more interactive learning experience. I had not thought of how it may affect the instructor, but, find that it can be a creative outlet in some cases to bring a topic to life that might be difficult to get across to the learner.

  4. hi my friend
    i really like how your lovely girl (dema) like technology and use youtube. it really nice to see how your friend and your family are communicate with you.
    i really like skype eman like you.
    do you think there is alot of people know how to use blog?

  5. hi,mskathyk
    thank you for your comment :)
    And I tried this program with my daughter ;-)

    she love it <3
    Thank you so much


  6. Hi mckinleyj,
    When I want to Begin writing this week post I didnt know what is the Web 2.0 exactly, because of that I read a lot of online definition for Web 2.0 and I found what I post is the esyer one ;).

    thank you for your comment,

  7. Hi Pam Mays,
    I like that you like Skype program it is a great program that can make the world smaller :)

    There are many different program like Skype I wasn't know about it before I came to U.S.A acutely before I start my master degree in CSUSB.

    Do you found any problem when you use skype??


  8. Hi Amal,
    thank you for your comment

    and for your Q:
    In Saudi Arabia:
    In the last five years there are a lot of schools focus on how to use the Web 2.0 in education to develop the students skills. My dad, who is very interested in technology and education,was always encouraged me and my sister to take courses in computer program. I think there are a lot of young girls and boys whom know how to deal with Web 2.0
    I have 120 friends in facebook all of them from Saudi Arabia and many of them have a nice blog.

    thank you


  9. Hi Eman,
    To answer your question about using Skype... So far I have not had too much problems using Skype. It does drop a call from time to time, but, otherwise works o.k. for personal use. I would not be as enthusiastic to use it for any large group calls though.
    Thank You.
