Thursday, April 22, 2010

session 3

Clark vs. Kozma

Kozma think that media do influence learning and, therefore, media selection is significant. Today you can see how the technology supports the learning with media. Media Services gives a lot of things to the classroom and support the services to the faculty. For example: media stations, document cameras, pod casting, distance learning, videoconferencing and projectors. Media and technology are tools in learning and teaching.

Kozma does not contend that media alone can influence learning: rather that media’s ability to influence lrarning is dependent upon the instructional methods employed by the desing and how those methods exploit the capabilities or attributes of the medium (Hastings N. & Tracey M.)

Also some time media focus in learner-centered. The goal of some distance education programs is to make education more students centered through the prepackaging of instructional materials that students may use when convenient (Simonson, Smaldino, Albright, and Zvacek, 2009, (p. 80).)

Now we can define Media is the term that use to discussion of the new technologies active program and it is include the appearance of digital, programmed, or networked information and communication technologies.

Also the new media: online and digital ways of receiving information (link). New media can include: Blog, mobile devices, Podcast, Wiki, Facebook, Youtube/Teachertube.

I like to shear my experiences of using a new media that I really enjoyed to use it. It was about the handheld devices in education, I learned a lot of new things about the uses of the mobile devices in ETEC 676 last summer. There are different types of mobile devices such as, cell phone, net books, handheld computers, and more. Teachers and students use handheld devices as tools in schools. This makes learning easier for example; teachers can communicate with students anytime and anywhere by using texting, emailing, and chatting. Moreover, I can use my iphone to do a lot of things too. For example: Talking & Text-messaging with my family and my friends over seas. Checking my email and my blog.

In the end there are point of media and technology that the media improve learning on the other hand there are the opposite, that think the media do not influence learning under any situation.


  1. hellow eman
    i am agree with you that media is supports the learning system.and i like how did you explain cozmo point of media.

    thank you


  2. Thanks for your post. I agree that media supports learning and I like how you related your positive learning experiences using the latest technologies like the I-phone.

    You very eloquently explain how Kozma didn't say that media in and of itself influences learning but rather how "the media's ability to influence learning is dependant on the instructional methods employed by the designing and how the method exploits the capabilities or attributes of the medium" (Kozma).

    This makes perfect sense, but speaking as Clark, I would simply bring up the fact that the message is still the main thing insighting learning to occur. Clark would probably say that in regards to how effectively you remember the learning experience to have been in ETEC 676, a lot of the learning probably was attributed to the readings, the activities, any projects completed, as well as the collaboration between you and the other classmates and instructor in the course. In otherwords, there was more than just the use of new technology that enabled and elicited high quality new learning throughout the class.

    Therefore I think what Clark would caution is not to lend too much credence to just the fact that technology is present but that it is equally important to look at the message and the quality of the textbook, the quality of the other learning materials, the level of collaboration, the environment, the context, and the content. In closing, learning is complex, and technology is just one part of the puzzle; Just how big a role technology plays is dependent of how well the instructor understands it, so that the instructor is able to unlock the powerful features the technology used might offer the learner.
    Thanks for such a good post, you made Kozma's argument very well and as a teacher in the 21st century, I appreciate technology and hopes its role increases in the traditional classroom setting sooner than later.
    Thanks and I look forward to learning from you next week.
    Have a great weekend
